What to do if Wildlife Gets in My Pool?

A cool dip in the pool sounds amazing on a hot day – not just to people. Wildlife and critters sometimes find themselves in search of a place to cool down. They might decide your pool is the perfect place! So if you haven’t yet, you might want to ask yourself, “What should I do if wildlife gets in my pool?”

Removing Animals from Your Pool

Though some may think a dip in the cool water is a good idea, many animals finding their way into your pool did not get there on purpose. Most likely, they were thirsty or hungry or simply curious. Once they are in the pool, finding a way out proves nearly impossible for our furry, feathery and scaly friends. Frogs, toads, lizards, turtles, rabbits, squirrels, and birds seem to be the most common animals found in pools. 

If you find an animal has ended up in your pool, there are several expert-approved ways to assist it back on dry land. But, remember they are in distress and most likely scared. Approach with caution. 

Some suggestions from the Humane Society

For small animals: Use a net or pool skimmer to scoop them out of the water. You might also try using the bristled end of a broom. 

For larger animals: Use a partially deflated float as a ramp. Make sure to anchor it with a weight on the pool steps or tie it to the ladder. 

Keeping Wildlife out of the Pool

There are precautions to take that will help keep wildlife out of the pool. 

  • Build a fence around the pool.
  • Install a ramp that animals can use to get out of the pool on their own. 
  • Place ropes along the sides of the pool that animals can use to climb out of the pool.
  • Consider designing your pool to include lounge ledges along the sides. 

The Humane Society also suggests creating a wildlife pond in the area to draw animals there instead of your pool. The pond would provide food, water, and shelter for them and entertaining views for you. 

The Chemical Solution

In the unfortunate event an animal perishes in your pool, it is important to aggressively treat the water. 

Because of the health risks related to bacteria and contaminants from the animal, shock treatment and decontaminating the water is essential. BioGuard offers a variety of chemicals to treat the water and make it safe for your family and friends. 

Depending on the type of pool, there are important steps to follow. For Chlorine, Bromine, Mineral Springs® or Saltwater Pools, it is recommended to shock treat with four-five times the normal amount of BurnOut® 73 or BurnOut® 3, clean the filter with Strip Kwik® and monitor the sanitizer residual and shock as needed to maintain a level of 2 ppm or higher. 

For SoftSwim® Pools, the SoftSwim® B level should be topped to 50 ppm and shock the pool with three gallons of SoftSwim® C per 10,000 gallons, clean the filter with SoftSwim® Filter Cleaner and monitor the residual keeping it above 20 ppm for one week. 

If you catch a live animal in your pool, make sure to do a shock application. 

Your pool is your oasis. Keep it clean and safe for everyone to enjoy.  Come Find Your Gathering Place at Energy Center-Manhattan Pool.

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