
Warm your Living Space

Welcome to the heart of home comfort—our diverse collection of fireplaces, designed to bring warmth and intimacy to your living space. From the classic allure of wood-burning fireplaces to the modern convenience of gas and electric options, we cater to a variety of tastes and preferences. Wood-burning fireplaces provide the timeless experience of slow, dancing flames and a relaxing ambiance. Gas fireplaces offer instant warmth with easy controls, while electric fireplaces bring modern elegance without the need for venting.
Did you know a fireplace can increase the value of your home? A survey by the National Association of Realtors found that a fireplace adds more value to the home than 1,000 extra feet of living space and the same amount as having central air conditioning! On average, homes with fireplaces are valued at about 12% over homes without fireplaces, according to Angie’s List. In terms of increased value, a fireplace adds more value than high ceilings or even a basement, and almost as much as having a garage. Fireplaces add beauty, comfort, security, and a natural focal point for any living room or den.

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Fireplaces Collections

Find out the best for you

Gas Fireplace

Welcome to the world of comfort and efficiency with our gas fireplaces. The most common type of gas fireplace we install is direct vent, which utilizes a pipe within a pipe, venting exhaust outside while drawing in fresh air. This ensures efficiency and reduces clearance requirements. Our direct vent gas fireplaces offer placement flexibility, terminating through the wall or vertically. Models specify venting details, allowing customization to save costs and meet your specific needs. With variable flame heights and BTU ranges, these fireplaces cater to diverse spaces, whether in a bedroom, hearth room, patio, or beneath a TV.

Wood Fireplace

Embrace the warmth and efficiency of our wood-burning fireplaces, a trend spurred by the EPA's push for higher efficiency units and recent tax credits for qualifying installations. Our high-efficiency wood fireplaces are akin to stoves built into walls, ensuring that the heat generated stays in the room. These units also utilize convection heat and often re-burn wood smoke, maximizing heat output. Homeowners investing in high-efficiency units can enjoy a 30% tax credit until 2032, a noteworthy incentive for new construction homes and vacation properties.

Electric Fireplace

Step into the world of hassle-free warmth with our electric fireplaces—a perfect solution for homes without a gas option or where wood isn't the preferred fuel. While it's important to note that electric fireplaces may not produce the same heat output as their gas or wood counterparts, they create a welcoming ambiance without the need for extensive installation or venting. Recent technological advancements have elevated their realism, mimicking the flickering flames and glowing embers of traditional fireplaces.

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