How Much Does a Pool Cost?

Clear water in-ground swimming pool
The biggest question people ask is, how much does a pool cost. Here at Energy Center-Manhattan Pool, we can give you rough estimates, and even suggestions on where you can and cannot cut costs. The truth is, if you want your dream pool, are you willing to compare the benefits to the cost, or the value of the pool builder to the cost. Yes, you can go to one of those large supply stores and cut the costs and build it yourself. However, are you building it safely, following the rules of the soil, and thinking about all the what ifs, and when’s. What if you have heavy rainfall one year and the soil tends to be softer. In Kansas, there are high winds, are you prepared for that. Are you fully up to speed on how to keep your water balanced? We are here to help you! If you want an above ground, semi-in ground, or in-ground pool, we can guide you to your perfect fit for your budget. Below are 3 tips about financing your dream pool. 

Tip 1: Knowing Your Cost Limits. 

Swimming pool loans can be expensive and have the potential of being a long-term debt. However, here at Energy Center-Manhattan Pool we have several ways to make things easier. We have paired with HFS Home Improvement Loans to get the industry’s leading loan terms and the best customer service experience possible. We have a direct link from our website to submit an application and make things as painless as possible.  Knowing your cost limits, can give us the direction needed for your pool design. Another way we can make things easier is by giving you a rough estimate of your dream pool, above ground, in ground, or even semi in-ground. After going out to your home for a site visit, we will be able to get you the ultimate best results and our suggestions for your pool and we can go from there.

Tip #2: The Differences between Above Ground, Semi In-ground, and In-ground pools

Above Ground pools are the least expensive route when it comes to your pool options. We typically start out at about $9,000 and go up from there. That would include labor and materials.  A Semi-Inground Pool we typically, for lack of better words, partially or fully bury into the ground a Radiant Pool. That will run you starting at about $25,000 with labor and materials.  Lastly, your inground pool is a bit harder to estimate a good range because there are so many variables at play, but a good bare minimum starting range would be approximately $50,000 for everything included.  Now these prices do vary depending on options and upgrades, but it gives you a good rough estimate on what that would look like starting costs for your loan. As a reminder, if you are comparing pool builders, make sure you are comparing apples to apples; some pool builders do not concrete decks or electrical and you may need to pay more for that part of the building process. 

 Tip #3: Pool Maintenance

Many tend to forget that pool maintenance is a constant variable that you need to be aware of and placed in your monthly budget. We do have incredible options to help keep those costs down and can even come out for your weekly pool service if that helps. Some things to keep in mind are your electricity bill when it comes time to run your pump, even the bare minimum required to keep your pool maintained. There are energy efficient pumps to decrease the energy use. Another tidbit for the back of your mind is pool chemicals: water treatments. You might also want to think about a pool cover for the winters here in Kansas. We do hold an annual pool school to kick off the pool season, and this year it will be May 4, 2023. If you would like more information and helpful tips, feel free to reach out to us at 785-776-5118 or come on in at 528 Pillsbury Drive, Manhattan Kansas 66502.

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