The biggest question people ask is, how much does a pool cost. Here at Energy Center-Manhattan Pool, we can give you rough estimates, and even suggestions on where you can and cannot cut costs. The truth is, if you want your dream pool, are you willing to compare the benefits to the cost, or the value of the pool builder to the cost. Yes, you can go to one of those large supply stores and cut the costs and build it yourself. However, are you building it safely, following the rules of the soil, and thinking about all the what ifs, and when’s. What if you have heavy rainfall one year and the soil tends to be softer. In Kansas, there are high winds, are you prepared for that. Are you fully up to speed on how to keep your water balanced?
We are here to help you! If you want an above ground, semi-in ground, or in-ground pool, we can guide you to your perfect fit for your budget. Below are 3 tips about financing your dream pool.