When is the Best Time of Year to Install a Fireplace in Kansas?

Fireplace in Kansas

Summer is starting to wind down and you’re looking forward to the colder weather of the fall. As the cooler seasons start to get colder each year, you’re looking for more ways to stay warm. A fireplace could be the perfect idea. But, when is the best time of year to install a fireplace in Kansas? Let’s think it through. 

Schedule as Soon as You’re Ready

So, when is the best time to schedule a fireplace installation? The obvious choice would be summer, but that’s already passed. Plus, in Kansas, there’s never really a break from the cold, even the middle of summer. So when’s the best time then?

Really, the best time to schedule a fireplace installation is as soon as you’re ready. Getting on the list means that you’re moving in the right direction. Once you’re sure, get on our list. The sooner you’re on, the sooner you’ll be enjoying your new fireplace … and you’ll be ahead of anyone who’s yet to schedule an install. 

The Best Time for Installation

If you’re reading this right after we shared it, the best time of year to install a fireplace is as soon as possible. August is still about as hot as July, but that September chill will be here before you know it. Plus, the later you wait, the more likely it is that fireplace installations will be booked out the rest of the year.

If you’re reading this any other time of year, the best time to install a fireplace in Kansas is late spring/early summer. Late spring/early summer is truly the “off season” for fireplace installations because everyone is looking forward to summer. No one is thinking about the cold, so it will be even easier to schedule an installation. Plus, if we’re having a chilly late spring/early summer, you may even get some use of your fireplace before the Fall!

Take Advantage of the Tax Credit

Did someone say tax credit? Oh, that’s right—we did! If you’re looking to buy a fireplace, you might as well save a little money, right? Well, you can do that when you buy an energy-efficient fireplace from Energy Center-Manhattan Pool, as long as it meets the EPA efficiency requirement. Or you can buy a wood or pellet stove. We know what you’re thinking: “I said I wanted a fireplace, not another stove.” This isn’t a stove like you use in your kitchen, though. This type of stove will keep you just as warm as a fireplace. Either way, you’ll save money, both in energy costs due to its efficiency, and with the tax credit.

Come Find Your Gathering Place

So when is the best time to install a fireplace in Kansas? Either as soon as possible, or you can wait until the “off season” in late spring/early summer. Whenever you decide you’re ready, we’ll be here ready for you at, Energy Center-Manhattan Pool. We can help you pick out the perfect gas, wood, or electric fireplace for your home. And, if you’re looking to save some money, we can help you choose a wood or pellet stove that qualifies for the tax credit. The choice is yours. Come Find Your Gathering Place today at Energy Center-Manhattan Pool.

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